

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Platinum Club - FTU

This tutorial was written by Twilight on 1/19/13. Any similarities to any other tutorials is purely coincidental.  
NOTE: If you get confused at any time, you can use my tag for reference!

Tube by Tim Lowery. You can buy it from AIL

Open a new image 700 x 700
Copy/Paste "PC_frame7_JD" as a new layer
Magic Wand - Select inside the frame
Selections - Modify - Expand - 4
Copy/Paste "PC_paper011_JD" as a new layer under the frame
Selections - Invert -Delete
Copy/Paste your tube/closeup as a new layer
Arrange under the frame
Hit delete
Effects - Xero - Radiance on the tube (default settings, or you can hit random til you find one you like)
Add a drop shadow to the frame
V&H - 0
Opacity - 100
Blur - 3
Color: Black

Copy/Paste "PC_paper010_JD" as a new layer at the bottom layer
Layers - Load/Save Mask From Disk - Find a mask you like and hit load
Merge Group on the mask

Copy/Paste "PC_glitter1_JD" as a new layer above mask layer
Resize 80%
Drop Shadow

Back to the top layer

Copy/Paste "PC_glitterbranch3_JD" as a new layer
Resize 70%
Move to the right side of frame and give it a drop shadow

Copy/Paste "PC_flowers1_JD" as a new layer
Resize 60%
Image - Mirror (or flip horizontal)
Place over the glitter branch
Drop Shadow

Copy/Paste "PC_tag3_JD" as a new layer
Place on the bottom left of frame
Drop Shadow

Copy/Paste "PC_pillow3_JD" as a new layer
Image - Free Rotate - 10 degrees to the right
Move to the bottom right corner of frame
Drop Shadow

Copy/Paste "PC_pillow1_JD" as a new layer
Image - Free Rotate - 10 degrees to the left
Place on the right of pillow3
Drop Shadow

Copy/Paste "PC_pillow2_JD" as a new layer
Place in front of both other pillows
Drop Shadow

Copy/Paste "PC_flower5_JD"  as a new layer
Resize 70%
Place on the top left corner of frame
Drop Shadow

Copy/Paste "PC_butterfly3_JD" as a new layer
Resize 70%
Place at the top center of the frame
Drop Shadow

Copy/Paste tube as a new layer
Resize if needed
Place on the right side of tag

Copy/Paste "PC_poshhandbag1_JD" as a new layer
Resize 70%
Place in front of the left side of the pillows
Drop Shadow

Copy/Paste "PC_poshhandbag2_JD" as a new layer
Resize 70%
Place behind the white bag to the right
Drop Shadow

Copy/Paste "PC_martini1_JD" as a new layer
Resize 50%
Place on the right side of pillows, behind the red bag
Drop Shadow

Add your name/copyright info and you're done!

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